Cut through the uncertainty, leave behind the anxiety, and determine what financial victory means to you.

Define success

Embrace uncertainty

Spend more time on what matters to you

Uncertainty is your current reality

The series of events that have occurred in your life have now left you in uncharted territory. The level of advice you need now is beyond what you’ve needed before. You’re uncertain about what to do next.

Between the ambiguity around what options are available to you, and the impact those decisions may have on your taxes, estate, and more, you’re left wondering if you’re making the right choices for your financial future.

We partner with corporate executives, business owners, and high net worth families to build and manage custom wealth management strategies

Portfolio Management

Estate Planning

Charitable Planning

Retirement Planning

Protection Planning

Cash Flow Strategies

Tax Planning

Executive Compensation

Employee Benefits

How It Works

Book a Free Consultation

Set up a video or audio call where we will learn more about what financial victory looks like to you

Create your Custom Plan

We’ll take an in-depth look at your financial life and partner with you to determine what your plan would entail

Live in victory

Whatever victory looks like to you, we’ll help you get there with a disciplined process and long-term partnership

your victory | our purpose

Dan Basinger, CFP®, has been in the financial services industry since 2010, and helps corporate executives, business owners, and high net worth families clarify their definitions of financial victory and implement custom wealth management strategies to get them there.

Dan and his team help their clients define success, embrace the uncertainty that life inevitably brings, and stay disciplined as they work toward financial victory.

Progress only happens when you take the next step